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房产购买总价 Purchase price:$500,000

过户及文书费 Conveyancing and legal fees:$1,800

印花税 (首次置业者) Stamp duty (First-home buyer):$0

印花税(非首次置业者)Stamp duty (non first-home buyer):$17,707

建筑&虫害检查费 Building inspection and pest inspection (combined):$600

抵押登记费 Mortgage registration fee:$148

转让费Transfer fee ($35 for every $10,000 over $180,000):$295

贷款申请费 Loan application fee:$600

借款金融机构抵押保险 (10% 首付,贷90%)Lenders mortgage insurance (with only 10% deposit):$12,000

政府收费及水费 Council and water rates:$710

所有隐性成本(首次置业者) Hidden costs for first-home buyers:$16,153

所有隐性成本 (非首次置业者) Hidden costs for other buyers:$33,860

房价+隐性成本(首次置业者) Total cost for first-home buyers:$516,153

房价+隐性成本 (非首次置业者) Total cost for other buyers:$533.860


房产购买总价 Purchase price:$500,000

过户及文书费 Conveyancing and legal fees:$1,800

印花税 (首次置业者) Stamp duty (First-home buyer):$0

印花税(非首次置业者)Stamp duty (non first-home buyer):$21,970

建筑&虫害检查费 Building inspection and pest inspection (combined):$600

抵押登记费 Mortgage registration fee:$119

转让费Transfer fee ($35 for every $10,000 over $180,000):$1,373

贷款申请费 Loan application fee:$600

借款金融机构抵押保险 (10% 首付,贷90%)Lenders mortgage insurance (with only 10% deposit):$12,000

政府收费及水费 Council and water rates:$1,250

所有隐性成本(首次置业者) Hidden costs for first-home buyers:$17,742

所有隐性成本 (非首次置业者) Hidden costs for other buyers:$39,712

房价+隐性成本(首次置业者) Total cost for first-home buyers:$517,742

房价+隐性成本 (非首次置业者) Total cost for other buyers:$539.712


房产购买总价 Purchase price:$500,000

过户及文书费 Conveyancing and legal fees:$1,800

印花税 (首次置业者) Stamp duty (First-home buyer):$0

印花税(非首次置业者)Stamp duty (non first-home buyer):$8750

建筑&虫害检查费 Building inspection and pest inspection (combined):$600

抵押登记费 Mortgage registration fee:$187

转让费Transfer fee ($35 for every $10,000 over $180,000):$1120

贷款申请费 Loan application fee:$600

借款金融机构抵押保险 (10% 首付,贷90%)Lenders mortgage insurance (with only 10% deposit):$12,000

政府收费及水费 Council and water rates:$500

所有隐性成本(首次置业者) Hidden costs for first-home buyers:$16807

所有隐性成本 (非首次置业者) Hidden costs for other buyers:$25557

房价+隐性成本(首次置业者) Total cost for first-home buyers:$516807

房价+隐性成本 (非首次置业者) Total cost for other buyers:$525557


房产购买总价 Purchase price:$500,000

过户及文书费 Conveyancing and legal fees:$1,800

印花税 (首次置业者) Stamp duty (First-home buyer):$21330

印花税(非首次置业者)Stamp duty (non first-home buyer):$21330

建筑&虫害检查费 Building inspection and pest inspection (combined):$600

抵押登记费 Mortgage registration fee:$173

转让费Transfer fee ($35 for every $10,000 over $180,000):$4507

贷款申请费 Loan application fee:$600

借款金融机构抵押保险 (10% 首付,贷90%)Lenders mortgage insurance (with only 10% deposit):$12,000

政府收费及水费 Council and water rates:$1508

所有隐性成本(首次置业者) Hidden costs for first-home buyers:$42518

所有隐性成本 (非首次置业者) Hidden costs for other buyers:$42518

房价+隐性成本(首次置业者) Total cost for first-home buyers:$542518

房价+隐性成本 (非首次置业者) Total cost for other buyers:$542518


房产购买总价 Purchase price:$500,000

过户及文书费 Conveyancing and legal fees:$1,800

印花税 (首次置业者) Stamp duty (First-home buyer):$13433

印花税(非首次置业者)Stamp duty (non first-home buyer):$17765

建筑&虫害检查费 Building inspection and pest inspection (combined):$600

抵押登记费 Mortgage registration fee:$178

转让费Transfer fee ($35 for every $10,000 over $180,000):$453

贷款申请费 Loan application fee:$600

借款金融机构抵押保险 (10% 首付,贷90%)Lenders mortgage insurance (with only 10% deposit):$12,000

政府收费及水费 Council and water rates:$4134

所有隐性成本(首次置业者) Hidden costs for first-home buyers:$33198

所有隐性成本 (非首次置业者) Hidden costs for other buyers:$37530

房价+隐性成本(首次置业者) Total cost for first-home buyers:$533198

房价+隐性成本 (非首次置业者) Total cost for other buyers:$537530



